To Work With Spirit

This is a reflection of my thoughts. They are my thoughts and as such there is no intention to pass them off as facts, truth, or as instructions to anyone. Hopefully they will give the reader food for thought, but that is all. There is on intention to offend anyone and if offense is caused then that is the problem of the reader and not mine. I do not accept that responsibility.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Is there honesty in religion today?

I ask this question because of the ongoing row about the recent speech by the Pope whilst on a visit to Germany. Not having heard this speech myself, I am reliant upon the reports in the press and so I will quote from the report on the BBC's website. It reads :

In his speech at Regensburg University on Tuesday, the German-born Pope quoted Emperor Manuel II Paleologos of the Orthodox Christian Byzantine Empire.

Stressing that they were not his own words, he quoted the emperor saying: "Show me just what Muhammad brought that was new and there you will find things only evil and inhuman, such as his command to spread by the sword the faith he preached."

He also said that violence was "incompatible with the nature of God and the nature of the soul".

What I have noticed is that there has been a widespread outpouring of anger and condemnation of the Pope from the Muslim world, not just from the ordinary people, but from the religous leaders of Islam. Along with this has come the usual rhetoric showing hatred to all of Christainity, and to the Western powers in general.
No one has turned around and said "Yes! The Prophet did say that but.........." or "No! What the Prophet actually said was .........."
Why not? Is it because that is the truth and Islam is prepared to spread itself that way? If so it makes the outpouring of anger totally unjustified, and makes those who bring up the Crusades as an indication of the failings of Christianity into utter hypocrites.
It is also interesting to hear so many leaders in both Islam and Christianity, claim that they are the only ones who are able to interpret God's word and to define His will, and yet they so often contridict one another, not so much between the religions, but within them.
The time has come for both Christian and Muslim leaders to do just that. To lead. And to do it honestly. And for the followers of both religions to stop and think about what they are taught and told by their leaders. Belief is one thing, but blind faith plays into the hands of those with an axe to grind.


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