To Work With Spirit

This is a reflection of my thoughts. They are my thoughts and as such there is no intention to pass them off as facts, truth, or as instructions to anyone. Hopefully they will give the reader food for thought, but that is all. There is on intention to offend anyone and if offense is caused then that is the problem of the reader and not mine. I do not accept that responsibility.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Justice is served

"Justice is mine" says the Lord, according to the Bible. I believe this is true.

I started this post after hearing that a member on a forum I subscribe to, car related as it happens, has just had someone try to scratch their name on the side of his pride and joy. I put forward the wish that the would get their just deserts, and this started a train of thought.

I do believe that justice will prevail, although not always in the way we think. Normally we think that justice needs to be done now, in this life, otherwise someone has gotten away it whatever they had done. But I think that although we as society might take revenge and therefore serve justice, sometimes it is not until we enter the next life that justice is served.

Take for instance, suicide bombers. They perform horrendous acts against innocent people, they sometomes have the blessings of their religion or society, and as the name implies, they are not around to face justice. But what will happen to them upon entering the next life?

Their religion may say they will be rewarded. But will they? What sort of God would reward one person for such acts? Certainly not a God of love and justice. If that was the case then what reason is there to worship such a God? Fear? Sorry, but no thank you.

I believe that these people, and anyone who commits any form of criminal act, will eventually be asked to account for their actions, big or small. I do not see this as a punishment in terms of eternity in Hell, being tortured and prodded by devils with pitchforks, although if that is the belief one holds strongly enough, that could appear to happen. No, I think we will shown the errors of our ways, and given, over a period of time (time being relative - who can say how long) the opportunity to reform.

The senario I imagine would be something like this.

The culprit would be met by loved ones, maybe a mother, and welcomed into the new life. They would then be shown the sort of life the loved one is living, and then shown the harm they have inflicted on others and the shame and hurt that those who care about them feel. I believe that away from this materialistic world, these felling will have great significance.

Once they have seen this, they will be shown the place where they will reside. This will be a place where they are surrounded , not with loved ones, but with people of their own kind, otheres who thought that acts of violence, or whatever, were justified. People whose own outlook on life matches theirs.

So you may say, whats wrong with that? They will be happy and comfortable there. But will they?

Imagine for a moment that you were a bully. You die and pass into the next life. You see what is available to say your mother or grandmother, a nice lady who lived a good honest life. Then you find yourself in a society of bullies. All around you are other bullies. Are you going to feel comfortable?

There you are, someone who has always bullied other, and the only people you see are ones who also bullied others. What are you going to do? Your nature is to start bullying. Well so is everyone else's. No easy victims, just other bullies. Those that bully the hardest will feel happier, but hey will always be in fear of a stronger bully. Those that aren't as strong will suffer, but will still have the in built desire to bully. So, comfortable? I don't think so.

And there you have it. Your just deserts. You are getting the life you deserve.

Justice has been served.


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